Netsmart Mobile

Netsmart Systems, Inc. has been building quality websites for years. Our websites are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they are also designed to be usable. The usability of our websites is higher then you would get out of template website. Our goal is to make a website feel natural so that there is no confusion, or disconnection of communication when it is used by a user.

Mobile Devices

Mobile Smart Phones are becoming more interlaced with the web. Some of our competitors simply ignore these device because of a lack of stability in the field. Here at Netsmart we know that smart phones are not going away anytime soon. So we build each site to be compatiable with these devices. Sometime we even targeting these devices so that the experience on a smart phone is just as or better then the experience on a regular computer

Cross Browser Support

There are tons of different kinds of browsers out there that are not up to modern coding standards. We know that having the most capable sites mean making fall-backs for those browser even if it means that the site will not have same functionality of modern browsers.

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