How many times, while your on your computer, have you entered in some words into a search bar? While most people, just like you, looking for something do the same exact thing. Searching is the fastest way to find websites on the internet. Search engines have been around since 1990, but the number of people using them has greatly increased. The way to make these search engines find your website is to use Search Engine Optimization, or for short SEO. SEO is a very important to drive traffic to your site. There are many techniques to do this, and Netsmart can implement them in your website.

Seek out the Bots

Instead of taking a laissez faire towards SEO like most of our competitors. We talk to the search engine bots that scavenge the internet and tell speak in their language. The better the conversation, the better the ranking.

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Search Engine Marketing

One way to drive traffic to your site is to use SEM. SEM is marketing on Search Engines. We purchase ad space on large Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Then we see the results of the campaigns and use the data to target demographics. One way we target a demographic is to use special keywords that will focus customers to your site when they search those words. This can boost traffic to your site as well revenues to you business.

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